About Us

Vanguard Migration provides professional visa advisory services to guide your migration pathway to Australia.

Originated from Hong Kong, we are a consultancy specializing in Australian visa applications. Our team is led by Gallant Chiu, Australian Registered Migration Agent (MARN 1807703) and QEAC Education Counsellor (Q436). Gallant also has previous experience working as visa case officer under the Hong Kong Government.

With our experience and expertise, Vanguard Migration is committed to be your companion in achieving your migration dream - we are taking part in nurturing your future!



- one of the biggest decisions in your life that should not be taken lightly.

Vanguard shares the same view with you.

We are committed to walk hand in hand with you to achieve your migration dream.


Your journey is never alone!

Vanguard provides one-stop services starting from exploring your Australian visa options to the following-up of your submitted visa applications.

Our consultants will be taking care every step of your application to ease your worries in the migration journey - you’re never alone!